
Color Modes
cymk - digital print
rgb - digital works
chromacity diagram - normal rgb and cymk range that our eye can see
color ingradinets
every color have :
hue - orgin of a color
saturation - intensity of a hue
value (tint end shape)
tint - hue with white mix
shape - hue with black mix
and we can create tone of a color adding grey to it
Color theory science we need to know color whell is
color whell - primary, secondary and terceary color
primary - (red blue and yellow)
secondary - green orange purple - mix of primary
terarity - mix off primary and secondary color:
cool vs warn color
by iscac netwon
Color harmonies
color we choose must reflect brand personalty
Neutral color - black white brown and grey
add hue and iligal saturation to the neutral color to have it interesting
Color formula to ge hamonc
monochromatic - formula to get harmonic colors; one color or hue and create saturation or value of it
complementary - two color of opposity side of the color whel (as blue and orange)
split-complementary - 3 color
analogue - tree fowlling color next with other
triactic - triangle
tedratdic - rectangle

Color Contrasct - is the diference in light between background and foreground
Contrast radio - just a value assigned to the diference in light between bg and fg

monochromatic example
Introduction to Color Psychology